GeoSun Boilers

The advanced materials we use and the special attention we personally give to every detail ensure the perfect operation of the solar water heater as well as its long lifetime.

All our products are manufactured by all the European standards while the precise tests and systematic inspections provide high levels of reliability and safety to both the user and the environment.

Our complete range of products with a capacity range from 160ltr to 300ltr.

Product specifications

Outer case

Made by pre-paintred INOX steel sheet in a variety of colours ( white, brown, stainless steel, silver).

Inner cylinder

Made by the top qualitυ copper Cu (99,90% conciseness) from 2 cups and 1 cylinder maximizing the lifetime of our product.

Electrical resistance

3Kw element with an over load providing water even when the weather is not sunny.


Made out or 15mm copper pipe giving the option to connect the syster with your house’s central heating system. (under order)


insulated with 50mm of high density polyurethane (50Kg/m3).

Water heater type 100L 150L 200L 250L 300L
Product code GEP100 GEP150 GEP200 GEP250 GEP300
Capacity (ltr) 100L 148L 200L 247.9L 299.2L
Length (cm) 100 100 125 150 170
Diametre of inner cylinder 40 48 48 48 48
Overall diametre 50cm 58mm 58mm 58mm 58mm
Outlet pipe diametre 26mm 26mm 26mm 26mm 26mm
Testing pressure (bar) 7 7 7 7 7
Opperating pressure (bar) 3 3 3 3 3
Coil diametre 15mm 15mm 15mm 15mm 15mm
Coil outlet diametre 22mm 22mm 22mm 22mm 22mm